
You're Einstein, so what, I'm from Tehran

Posted by Mohammed Nazari on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Under: Logic First - Emotion Third
You're Einstein, so what, I'm from Tehran:)

Author: Mohammed Nazari

Most Iranian are very proud people. We take pride in everything. From what we wear, model of car we drive, the old Iranian history in which we had no influence in and so on. Since we take pride in almost every small thing, it becomes our identity, to that extent if you say you don't like the color of the shirt we wear or the type of car we drive, can be offensive to some of us.

Very frequently we take pride of the city we were born in, and consider other cities of lower class.

The behaviour of "Taking pride in everything" results in people thinking of the "differences" more than the "similarities".

These feeling are so strong that at times some refuse to associate with people from other cities. Simply you get tagged by where you are from (your history), rather than what you have done (your actions). Focusing on the differences rather than the similarities. Putting others down so that they feel better/higher.

Iran is a country of multiple races, cultures, religions and languages. More than 16 million live in Tehran, the capital city. Some people who live in Tehran disrespect and put down the people from any other city. Exactly the same behaviour that Gaddafi, the dead Libyan leader had. He called himself King of Africa and called other African leaders as Slaves. In general one is not valued for their own achievements but for factors that are out of his/her control, e.g. the city they were born, their family history and so on.

Some Iranians from other cities do the same in their own way, by making fun of people from Tehran, or any other smaller cities.

As a country in general, some disrespect the neighbouring countries, their language and culture and generally follow one rule from the stone age: "If you do things differently than me, you are inferior to me." Although, regardless of race, culture or country this behavior is normally seen in individuals whom are not well informed about the rest of the world or alternative ways of living, when one actively tries to be proud of their own, the behavior gets to be more exaggerated.

Pride is good, ONLY IF it is "Inside Out"

Inside Out Pride: You take pride in your own achievements and not the matters outside your control such as achievements of your parents or country. Inside out pride results in Confidence.

Outside In Pride: Is when one takes pride in something that he/she has had no or minimal influence in. E.g. city or country one is born in, or the achievements of that country. Outside in pride results in being cocky.

Please read other related blog of mine "Who are you?".

In : Logic First - Emotion Third 

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A Personal Journey (Speech)

Author: Mohammed Nazari

Please find the link to the YouTube videos below

Part 1:

                               Part 2:

  •  It is amazing, when you have a big "goal" in mind, most other big "problems" look like small "challenges"       
  • Education in Canada is more practical than in the east which is more theoretical. After all you can find the theory in books or online, without needing to go to school.

Reasons for my failure as an employee:

1. Higher Canadian standards and sensitivity level  

2. My defensive behavior    

  •  Blaming  your behavior or action does not mean blaming you as a person
  • One for all, All for one

3. Inability to be honest with my own feelings  

  • Pride that has no basis, doesn't allow you to be honest.

4.  Canadian are too polite to be honest   

  •  If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything
  • Read between the lines


  •  Knowledge of higher/different Canadian standards and simply following versus questioning them
  •  Longer orientation
  •  Welcoming comments and asking for further explanation versus defending our self
  • Being honest with our feelings and abilities:

o   Acknowledging your weakness is a sign of honesty and makes you stronger.

  • Asking versus commenting:

o   Don't assume, ask question

o   Don't comment, ask question

o   Don't judge, ask question

o   When in doubt, ask question

o   When you think you know, ask questions to clarify

o Comments are not welcome, questions are

ยท         What kind of question?

1. Open ended and unbiased questions

2. Yes-No questions to clarify

When you have a car problem whom you ask for help? your Doctor, mother or mechanic.

Although this question seems silly, we make this mistake all the time, asking a professional question from people outside of that profession and building opinions.

  • Ask questions from the right person(s). The ones with proven success.


You will learn more from the successful people who can show you how to succeed.

Unsuccessful people can show you how not to fail the way they did.

 While the pathways to success are few, there are multiple pathways to fail.

Which one is easier and more effective to learn?

 Uncle Google and my cousin YouTube can help you with any questions.

Starting my own business

  •  In order to have a good society/business, good structure is more important than good people.
  •  The main sources of work/interpersonal problems are: communication and expectations.
  •  Interpersonal skills are not just talking nicely but much more importantly is to follow a structure and    framework, even if it is not the best structure.
  • Having a poor structure is better than having no structure

I would I would recommend that you ask my uncle and cousin, Google and YouTube, about the following:


  • Active listening
  •  Critical thinking
  • Yes-No question
  • Open ended question
  • how to be honest with oneself


After all My success and happiness depends on your success and happiness.

Let us make life better for all of us.